Deep Mixing Method
As a distinguished company specializing in Geostructural Design and Construction, Schnabel ranks among the top soil mixing contractors in the nation.
We utilize the deep mixing method – an on-site process of blending cement grout with soil – to enhance the soil’s robustness and reduce its permeability. This technique is employed to build impervious earth-retaining structures and firm groundwater barriers and simultaneously improves the soil’s load-bearing properties.
No matter the environment, regardless of your project’s operational hurdles, Schnabel has the deep mixing method expertise to deliver the most appropriate soil improvement solution for your unique circumstances.
Deep Mixing Method Solutions
As a top-tier soil mixing contractor, Schnabel underscores the significance of precise soil mixing as a cornerstone in developing solid earth-retention mechanisms. When efficiently performed, this process produces a potent soilcrete mixture with prominent increased strength and decreased permeability.
The deep mixing method, one form of soil mixing, is prevalently used in the construction of earth-retaining structures, particularly when a cut-off for groundwater is necessitated. The typical approach for Schnabel involves drilling a network of overlapping soilcrete columns, forming a perennial groundwater cutoff wall in the process.
The improvement of the mixture’s solidity typically involves the placement of steel piles in the wet soilcrete. The subsequent strength enhancement of the processed ground supports it spanning between the piles. The decrease in permeability of a soil mix wall facilitates the execution of excavation under comparatively arid conditions with limited impact on the water table beyond the excavation site.
The deep mixing method’s application isn’t limited to these instances. It can also be employed to establish an impermeable barrier beneath the ground surface without any excavation, such as mitigating seepage in a dam or restricting contaminated groundwater. A further use of this method includes enhancing foundational soils to bolster their strength and diminish the probability of liquefaction during seismic events.
Always trusted and transparent.
Patriots Plaza
Schnabel used several techniques such as deep soil mixing, pressure grouting, and secant piles to provide both excavation support and to impede groundwater flow into the excavation at the Patriots Plaza project in Washington D.C.
Schnabel designed and installed a soil mix wall to support an excavation that was within three feet of the historic Boston Museum of Fine Arts. The low vibrations during installation and increased stiffness of a soil mix wall helped protect the priceless artifacts in the museum. Schnabel worked closely with our client John Moriarty & Associates to ensure project success.