Wall Repair

A premier nationwide wall repair company, Schnabel provides Geostructural Design and Construction services to restore failed or failing walls.


Blending decades of experience with an innovative design-build approach, Schnabel can provide a diverse range of services to repair an existing wall. These services include installing tiebacks or soil nails through an existing wall to stabilize it and using shotcrete to repair the wall face. When appropriate, we can also construct a new wall behind or in front of the failing wall. An advantage of using a top down tieback wall to replace a failing wall is that there is minimal disturbance to the existing roadways, structures, and utilities behind the wall.

Whatever the project, whatever the environment, we can provide the right solution for your unique needs. Browse our company project portfolio and see how Schnabel delivers leading-edge wall repair services and earth retention solutions.

Soil Nail Wall

Optimizing Efficiency. Eliminating Complexity.


Schnabel is the sector’s most operationally efficient Geostuctural Design & Construction contractor. We optimize efficiencies by leveraging decades of experience and design/build expertise, to innovate processes and approaches that are consistently proven to deliver optimal outcomes for our clients.