One of the nation’s premier retaining wall contractors, Schnabel provides customized earth-retention solutions to accommodate different project conditions.
Permanent walls are typically designed to last between 50 and 100 years. The lifespan of the wall will, however, be dependent on the soil and groundwater conditions at your site as well as the construction techniques utilized.
As design-build retaining wall contractors, Schnabel is able to provide a number of permanent retaining wall solutions based on unique project needs and challenging environmental conditions.
Whatever the environment, whatever your operational challenges, Schnabel has the expertise to help you determine the solution you need.
Permanent tieback, soil nail and cantilevered pile retaining walls are practical and economical solutions when a permanent wall needs to be built in a cut or partial cut-and-fill situation. This is particularly true when it is desirable to avoid disturbing a road, structure, slope or other feature behind the wall.
Permanent walls are typically designed to last a long time (often 50 to 100 years). For this reason, the wall environment, including the soil and groundwater, are evaluated to determine their potential for corrosion. Schnabel’s wall construction specialists are also careful to ensure that the tiebacks, soil nails, facing connections and all the other details of the wall are designed to last for the lifetime of the wall.
To ensure the longevity of the wall, the facing is usually constructed using reinforced cast-in-place concrete, shotcrete, or precast concrete panels. The wall facing can also have any number of aesthetic treatments to improve its appearance or help it blend against the surrounding environment.

With more than a half-century of experience, Schnabel is one of America’s leading retaining wall contractors. We customize our retaining wall construction for unique project needs and environmental conditions. To learn how we can help you select the best retaining wall solution for your project, contact our team today.
I66 Soil Nail Walls | Fairfax, VA
FAM Construction contracted Schnabel’s services to construct a pair of soil nail walls essential for expanding the eastbound section of I-66, introducing additional express lanes, adding new bike trails and more. The initial soil nail wall covered an area of approximately 13,000 square feet, while the second one stretched to nearly 60,000 square feet in size.
The widening of US 321 through several miles of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park just outside of Gatlinburg, TN utilized Permanent Tieback Walls to minimize the impact to the surrounding environment and preserve the beauty of this majestic area. It took a team approach between Schnabel, Blalock and Sons, Inc. and the Tennessee Department of Transportation to construct one of the largest permanent tieback wall projects in the nation.