Retaining Wall Contractors
Schnabel, recognized as one of the nation’s premier retaining wall contractors, offers tailored earth-retention solutions to suit diverse project conditions.
Typically designed to endure 50 to 100 years, permanent walls’ lifespan depends on soil, groundwater conditions, and construction techniques at your site.
In the role of design-build retaining wall contractors, Schnabel excels in providing various permanent retaining wall solutions, addressing unique project needs and navigating challenging environmental conditions.
Regardless of the environment or operational challenges you face, Schnabel, with its expertise, can guide you in determining the retaining wall solution that meets your requirements.
Practical and cost-effective, permanent tieback, soil nail, and cantilevered pile retaining walls prove ideal when constructing a lasting wall in a cut or partial cut-and-fill scenario, especially when preserving features like roads, structures, or slopes behind the wall is a priority.
Concrete retaining wall contractors recognize the enduring nature of permanent walls, designed to last 50 to 100 years. Rigorous evaluations of the wall environment, including soil and groundwater considerations, gauge the potential for corrosion. Schnabel’s expertise in wall construction ensures meticulous design of tiebacks, soil nails, facing connections, and other details, guaranteeing longevity throughout the wall’s lifetime.
To further fortify the wall’s durability, the facing typically incorporates reinforced cast-in-place concrete, shotcrete, or precast concrete panels. Additionally, the wall facing can undergo various aesthetic treatments, enhancing its appearance and facilitating seamless integration with the surrounding environment.

With over fifty years of expertise, Schnabel emerges as a prominent name among America’s retaining wall contractors. Our specialization lies in tailoring retaining wall construction to cater to individual project requirements and the nuances of environmental conditions. Get in touch with our team today to discover how we can assist you in selecting the optimal retaining wall solution for your project.
The widening of US 321 through several miles of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park just outside of Gatlinburg, TN utilized Permanent Tieback Walls to minimize the impact to the surrounding environment and preserve the beauty of this majestic area. It took a team approach between Schnabel, Blalock and Sons, Inc. and the Tennessee Department of Transportation to construct one of the largest permanent tieback wall projects in the nation.