Deep Cement Mixing
As a leading specialist in Geostructural Design and Construction, Schnabel holds a distinct place among the country’s preeminent soil mixing contractors.
We employ deep cement mixing – an in-situ process where cement grout is blended with soil – to augment the soil’s strength and lower its permeability. Utilizing deep cement mixing leads to the construction of impervious earth-retaining structures and robust groundwater barriers, simultaneously enhancing the supportive capacities of the soil.
Regardless of the specific environmental conditions or operational complexities, Schnabel is equipped with the proficiency to provide a tailored deep cement mixing solution that perfectly fits your needs.
Deep Cement Mixing Solutions
As a front-line contractor in soil mixing, Schnabel recognizes that precise soil mixing is a fundamental part of crafting resilient earth-retention systems. When executed correctly, this process leads to a soilcrete mix that exhibits enhanced strength and diminished permeability.
Deep cement mixing, a method of soil mixing, finds its usage in constructing earth-retaining structures, particularly where a groundwater cutoff is necessary. In such cases, Schnabel normally employs a strategy of drilling overlapping soilcrete columns, an approach that results in a continuous groundwater cutoff wall.
Steel piles are generally integrated into the soilcrete while it’s wet, serving to strengthen the mixture. This heightened strength enables the treated ground to span the spaces between the piles. The soil mix wall’s reduced permeability enables an in-progress excavation to occur under relatively dry circumstances, leading to a limited reduction of the water table outside the excavation.
Beyond these applications, soil mixing is also used for creating an impermeable barrier beneath the ground where there’s no excavation, such as when reducing seepage through a dam or containing polluted groundwater. An additional application for deep cement mixing is the bolstering of foundation soils to enhance their strength and curtail the chances of liquefaction in an earthquake.

Always trusted and transparent.
Patriots Plaza
Schnabel used several techniques such as deep soil mixing, pressure grouting, and secant piles to provide both excavation support and to impede groundwater flow into the excavation at the Patriots Plaza project in Washington D.C.
Schnabel designed and installed a soil mix wall to support an excavation that was within three feet of the historic Boston Museum of Fine Arts. The low vibrations during installation and increased stiffness of a soil mix wall helped protect the priceless artifacts in the museum. Schnabel worked closely with our client John Moriarty & Associates to ensure project success.